Dear Ms. Crystal Rodwell:
My name is Luigi Vingo I am 29 years old and have recently received my associate’s degree in computer science from Westchester community college. The computer science program at CCNY was my first choice for my bachelor’s degree, and I found out on orientation day I wasn’t formally accepted into the program. To gain acceptance into the program I must earn at least a B in my Calculus 3 and Calculus 4 classes, this goal takes precedence over anything in my life at the moment. After I complete that step of my journey, I plan to finish my Bachelors degree with a good enough GPA to be accepted into the Master program here at CCNY or possibly a local private University.
Before I start my Graduate studies, I would like to begin working in my field of study at least part time, serving tables and the restaurant business in general are not the place for a healthy lifestyle. My plans to complete my bachelors are no different than before, I will take it 15 weeks at a time and immerse myself in the material I must learn for my courses. As much I would like to attribute my success to top notch planning or above average abilities, I find that at the end it was traits such as intuition, grit, and tenacity that helped me most. Whenever I need some inspiration, I picture my future family and the home I want to make for them.
To me my future home is filled with more than just love, noisy children, and the smell of dinner as you come through the front doors, what seems like a minimalist environment will hold a plethora of technology. The only device that will actually need a full operating system will be a regular desktop computer but will double as central command for a wireless network that will run everything else i.e. appliances, security system, tablets, the networks that connect these devices together. I think that the field of computer science brings new possibilities to the problem-solving abilities of engineers through efficiency. Besides being able to transfer data almost instantly computers can help to increase material strength, or shave weight off of a rotating part of an engine for a major boost in miles per gallon. Simulation software’s can help engineers to test their ideas before ever physically building them, giving them more time working on actually improving the technologies currently in use.
I am currently enjoying the best part of my life, I never have actually been on such a positive path for so long ever before. I have done this by achieving the goals I set for myself time and time again, while at times they have been small goals they were all necessary to bring me where I am today. When I left WCC all those years ago I never thought that it would ever be possible for me to actually be accepted into a Masters program, but now I am in a good position to make that happen.
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